A man was discovered murdered along Gutenberg Street on Saturday night, 7 December 2024. The scene was a chilling one, with police officers finding the victim lying lifeless in a pool of his own blood.

According to reports, the incident was brought to light when the Newcastle SAPS were called to assist outside a factory along Gutenberg Street, Riverside Industrial area.
Upon arrival, officers found a 27-year-old man lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. According to police reports, confirmed by Constable Nonjabulo Langa, the Spokesperson for the Amajuba District SAPS, paramedics were immediately dispatched to the scene in an attempt to see if the man’s life could be saved. Tragically, he was declared dead at the scene.
While the full circumstances behind the man’s brutal and untimely death are still under investigation, Constable Langa provided some details, saying, “While I cannot divulge the full extent of the victim’s injuries, I can confirm that he was stabbed to death while walking home from a tavern.”
Due to the limited operational CCTV cameras in Newcastle and the lack of witnesses, Constable Langa has called on the community for help in solving this crime.
“The identity of the suspect is currently unknown, and we are calling on anyone with information to come forward and provide the police with any details. For those concerned about their safety, they can report any information anonymously,” she emphasised.

As the Newcastle SAPS intensify their search for the killer, who remains at large within the town, the police are urging anyone with information to step forward and help bring justice to the victim’s family, while ensuring the murderer is put behind bars.
What are your thoughts on this horrific event? Share your views in the comment section below.
Comments 2
In all the years living in newcastle, where have you ever seen kidnappings, people kayo g dead I’m the streets , stabbed to death. People being robbed broad daylight. Home invasions, house break ins going out of control.
Where have you ever seen this town so damaged and poisoned by the corruption from SAPS and our failed muncipality ……
This town is in serious trouble……
Where are the okes with money, why are they making waves ?
If we all carry on down this path,
This town will never become what it was…..
This govermener have destroyed this town…….