Home in Amajuba Park, Newcastle allows dog to slowly die, while chained outside

animals pets cruelty

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Following disturbing pictures and a report coming in regarding grotesque levels of animal abuse—the Newcastle SPCA opened a case of neglect and animal cruelty against an Olifant Crescent resident in Amajuba Park. This, after they allowed their dog to starve, and endure the elements while tied to a short chain, eventually resulting in the poor soul passing on.

The dog’s horrific end was first brought forward by a community member who wished to remain anonymous.

According to the resident, the dog’s plight was noted months back when neighbours saw the dog tied to a short chain, restricting its movement. The dog had no shelter, food, water or basic care.

While a good Samaritan managed to get the starved creature some food, concerned community members knew they had to do something to save the animal. As a result, the SPCA was contacted and the team jumped into action. Gero and SPCA Inspector Elize van Rooyen explained that when the organisation first started investigating the matter, the dog was indeed tied up with a short chain and didn’t have any form of shelter.

The residents were given a warning and told that they needed to provide the animal with adequate shelter and a much longer chain attached to a running wire. This, to ensure the dog could move freely and not have to endure the elements without protection. Which, according to Gero, the household did.

On the topic of chaining up dogs, Gero noted that according to law, while animals are not allowed to be unnecessarily chained up, if the dog escapes its yard and is potentially aggressive, it is allowed to be chained. But then, the chain has to attach to a long running wire, allowing the dog to still have free access to movement within its yard.

Nevertheless, follow-up visits were conducted after the initial inspection and additional warnings were given for various infringements.

Then on Monday, 30 May 2022, after fighting for its life, in freezing cold weather and starving, the dog was reported dead. The SPCA was notified, and responded, only to find a traumatic discovery: The owners had allegedly left the dog’s body where it had died three days prior.

As a result, Newcastle SPCA’s Heather Gero further explained that charges were laid against the Amajuba residents. However, she could not elaborate on the situation, as it might jeopardise the case

However, according to inspector van Rooyen, “I asked the woman at the house if she didn’t see the dog was dead, as their lounge’s window looks out to where the dog was laying. The woman simply said, she just hadn’t checked up on the dog.”

Moreover, it was discovered that while the dog did have a running chain and a kennel, the chain had wrapped around a nearby tree and the deceased animal was unable to enter its kennel. Except for dust, the dog’s water bowl was also empty.

The Newcastle SPCA staff found no remorse or emotional response from the household’s residents and therefore affirmed that there will be repercussions. These consequences, Gero highlighted, are applicable to all people who are charged and found guilty of animal cruelty.

According to Gero, when a case of animal cruelty is opened, the matter is investigated by relevant authorities and law enforcement. The matter then goes to court, where the punishment is handed down.

Depending on the severity of the case, this can include:

  • A fine of up to R200 000.
  • Paying the necessary veterinary bills, if the animal is still alive.
  • Never being allowed to own a pet again, or not being allowed to own a pet for an allocated period of time.

She adds, “The person will also have criminal charges on their records.” This means they cannot move to another country, own a firearm and will battle to find work. 

Reflecting on the dog’s demise, while the exact cause of its death could not be revealed, both Gero and van Rooyen stressed that people who allowed their animals to suffer, were capable of wretched things.

Describing these despicable humans who abuse or neglect their pets, van Rooyen said, “they are usually arrogant, non-empathetic and are capable of hurting other people, as well as neglecting their children.” 

Gero further added, “It is a scientifically proven fact that serial killers mutilate animals and have no empathy for people or animals.”

With the above-mentioned in mind, Gero and van Rooyen stated that it was instrumental to report animal abuse and cruelty as soon as possible.

To report animal cruelty effectively and ensure justice prevails, click here

With this story in mind, the Newcastillian – Online News pleads with people to care for their pets. If you need answers on how to care for them click here.

What are your thoughts? Do you know of anyone mistreating animals?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.


Comments 1

  1. Corrine barnes says:

    Those people that are cruel to animals are the worst lowest individuals that walk this earth I am so disgusted

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