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Due to the inclement conditions, the cold front saw KZN CoGTA place disaster management teams on high alert over the weekend. However, despite motorists being warned to practice extreme caution, emergency personnel had a busy few days.
With multiple head-on collisions reported over the weekend clearly, motorists need to reevaluate their approach to driving and road rules.
On Friday afternoon, 13 August 2021, KwaZulu Private Ambulance Service responded to the R34 – Mthonjaneni on reports of a truck losing control and smashing into rocks on the side of the road. As a result thereof, two occupants sustained serious injuries.

The second incident on Friday afternoon saw Netcare 911 responding to a collision involving a taxi and a car on the M27 in Waterloo, North of Durban. On the scene with Netcare 911 was eThekwini Fire and Rescue, Reaction Unit South Africa, Durban Metropolitan Police and KZN EMS.
Photo credit: Netcare 911 Photo credit: Netcare 911 Photo credit: Netcare 911 Photo credit: Netcare 911
A resounding nineteen occupants sustained minor to moderate injuries. Fortunately, no deaths were reported.
Adding to the weekend’s events, KwaZulu Private Ambulance Service responded to an incident on the N3 between Lynnfield and Umlaas road on Friday night on reports of an overturned bakkie that had lost control ending up on its roof. Paramedics affirmed that two patients had sustained minor injuries, but all were in good health for the most part.

In a separate incident on Friday night, KwaZulu Private Ambulance Service was called out to Ncome Road, near Blood River, on reports of a head-on collision. Arriving at the accident scene, paramedics treated two patients who sustained severe injuries and one with critical injuries.

In the fifth incident on Friday, KwaZulu Private Ambulance Service responded to the R34 – Ncamana on further reports of a head-on collision. While assessing the scene, four patients were found entrapped in their vehicle.
Two people endured severe injuries, and one sustained minor. Sadly, the fourth person succumbed to their injuries before emergency services arrived. Rescue technicians worked together to cut the patients out of the wreckage prior to transporting them to the hospital for further treatment.
Photo credit: KwaZulu Private Ambulance Photo credit: KwaZulu Private Ambulance
On Saturday morning, 14 August, fifteen people were left injured after a taxi and bakkie collided on Town Bush Road in Pietermaritzburg.
ER24 paramedics and other services arrived to find the two vehicles in the middle of the road. According to ER24, the occupants had already climbed out of the taxi and bakkie.
Medics assessed the patients and found that the 15 people had sustained minor injuries. Fortunately, no fatalities were reported. Local authorities were on the scene for further investigations.
On Sunday morning, 15 August 2021, IPSS Medical Rescue responded to reports of a collision on the N2 near Mandeni, where a light motor vehicle collided head-on with a truck.

According to IPSS Medical Rescue, it is alleged the car had been travelling southbound when the vehicle lost control and crossed the centre-median before colliding with the truck, travelling northbound.
Unfortunately, the high-impact collision claimed the lives of both occupants of the car, while the truck driver sustained minor injuries. The deceased were cut from the wreckage by Rural Metro Fire and Rescue.
Shortly afterwards, IPSS Medical Rescue responded to reports of another collision on the N2, Mandeni, involving a minibus taxi and bakkie colliding head-on. A total of 16 persons sustained various injuries, while one person from the taxi passed away. While patients were stabilised, details surrounding the events leading up to the collision are unclear.
Lastly, Kwazulu Private Ambulance Service responded to the P55, past Izotsha, on reports of two vehicles colliding. Paramedics treated eight patients with injuries ranging from minor to severe.
The above comes as a stark reminder to those ignoring road rules, overtaking on solid lines or breaking the speed limit, to get your sh*t together and respect the rule of law. People’s lives are worth more than your opinion of road laws.
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