As people persevere through the nationwide lockdown, there are those who refuse to turn their backs on their fellow man.
In a time of crisis, these are the individuals who open their hearts and reach out to the community. Constantly giving back to those in need.
Read more: Businessman brings relief to families during lockdown, by donating food hampers
On Wednesday, June 3, the South African National Taxi Council (SANTCO) donated 70 food parcels to less-fortunate members of the Amajuba District.
Out of these 70 food parcels, 47 parcels went to Newcastle families, while 10 Dannhauser families benefited from the donation. 13 food parcels went to families from Emadlangeni.
Read more: COVID-19 lockdown food drive needs the community’s assistance, as the lockdown continues
The recipients of the donation received the food parcels with gratitude, as it brings them a sense of relief during these difficult times.
Well done to SANTACO for reaching out to those in need.
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