In a devastating incident on Sunday afternoon, 17 September 2023, a person lost their life, and two others sustained severe injuries in a horrifying collision between a car and a truck. The accident occurred on the N11, at the Bismarck turn off, just past the Dundee turn off.
KwaZulu Private Ambulance’s Sifiso Zwane provided details of the incident. According to Zwane, the head on collision unfolded shortly after 3 pm.
The truck involved in the accident was reportedly en route from Newcastle to Ladysmith when the collision transpired. “Allegedly, the driver of the car pulled out from the Bismarck road that joins on the N11. The truck driver then apparently tried to swerve to avoid a crash,” told Zwane.
Despite the valiant efforts made by the truck driver to prevent the crash, the two vehicles collided, leading to the fatality of the car’s motorist and injuries to the two passengers.
During the impact, the truck driver lost control of his vehicle, resulting in it overturning. Remarkably, Zwane noted that the truck driver emerged from the incident unharmed.
Following the collision, emergency response teams provided onsite medical attention to the injured individuals before transporting them to the hospital for further care.
In light of this tragic incident, Zwane issued a plea to motorists, urging them to exercise patience and adhere to traffic regulations. “People need to be patient on the roads, as some don’t want to wait for other road users. Some people also take chances at intersections,” he emphasised. Additionally, Zwane cautioned against taking chances on main roads, as their speed limits are typically higher than those within the CBD.
The Newcastillian News team extends its heartfelt condolences to the grieving friends and family of the deceased.
We invite our readers to share their thoughts on this tragic event in the comment section below, as we reflect on the importance of road safety and responsible driving.