Bullying comes under the spotlight in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, following a video going viral on social media. In the footage, which appears to have been taken by a school learner at Lincoln Heights Secondary School, a child can be seen viciously assaulting a fellow student with a belt.
Watch the video here as taken from Facebook: t.ly/LCoA
With people voicing their disgust on social media, the Newcastillian – Online News approached Lincoln Heights Secondary School’s principal, Mr R Naicker, to establish what transpired and which steps are now being taken to deal with the situation and the learner.
Mr Naicker explains, “The incident took place during the school break. Teachers on duty saw what happened and immediately approached the learners.”
Upon the educators’ arrival, the learners attempted to disperse from the scene; thankfully, the teachers managed to stop the two students involved resulting in their parents being called into the office.
Disciplinary action is now underway; however, Mr Naicker emphasises the offending pupil has since been suspended. “The School Governing Body will be conducting a hearing, where it will be decided what will happen to the learner.” In the interim, he explains this is an isolated incident. But he encourages both parents and learners to come forward if they have any issues. “We assure parents, we will address any issues brought forward. We also encourage learners to come forward to the relevant authorities and avoid taking matters into their own hands.”
As proactive steps are now being taken, what are your thoughts on the matter? Share your views with us in the comment section below.
“Teachers …… immediately approached the learners”…. I don’t see any teachers in sight! In fact several beatings were given by the bully in this video, without any teachers “approaching immediately”. The problem is that teachers pull fat paychecks, take long lunch breaks and are absent from the ganglands we call “school playgrounds” while our youth are thrown to the dogs. Furthermore, this bully’s upbringing is clear and evident. His parents should be ashamed. We should remember that children immitate parents’ actions. Chances are, this bully probably sees his father do the same to his mother. Unfortunately, many parents feel Mr Naicker’s story of “teachers on duty” do not check out, and as parents of the local community, we are disgusted with the amount of bullying still going around.
People what comments you are posting put yourselves in my position as the offenders parent how do we face the public After this student posted pics of my son on his dp and published on social media that he is dating my son.
Come on let me hear the comments now
All you idiots know is to comment but let someone get killed then it would not be such a big issue
Keep all you guys comments or here is my number contact me 084 6916265 or send me msgs
Pops, your son might of been embarrassed, but it will eventually be forgotten. Those pictures you are so worried about will fade away. It always does, as everyone knows that, this is just what young teenagers do.
But the way your son chose to handle the situation was completely uncalled for.
He has now caused himself much more trauma because of his violence than he would of gotten from silly photo’s. I would be more embarrassed if my child had beaten someone than I would about rumors and images.
Teacher’s responded immediately. What a joke, I don’t see any teacher in sight, this poor student is being assaulted continuously. The offending student has brought disrepute to the schools image and should be expelled. He is a bully of the worst kind and is very violent. He needs to be put into a rehabilitation centre and given physocological counselling. A menace to society indeed. He will end up killing someone or be killed.
People what comments you are posting put yourselves in my position as the offenders parent how do we face the public After this student posted pics of my son on his dp and published on social media that he is dating my son.
Come on let me hear the comments now
All you idiots know is to comment but let someone get killed then it would not be such a big issue
Keep all you guys comments or here is my number contact me 084 6916265 or send me msgs
Shamika… I agree with you totally
Oh my goodness… This is so sad. 😥 That bully should be dealt with severely… My heart is so sore. That poor child didn’t even retaliate 💔
Shame lady I hope one day all you idiot commenting will be faced with the same situation if you have kids
You call us idiots for being concerned about the safety of our kids in school 😳🤔 I also have brothers and family and other kids that still need to go to that school how do we feel comfortable knowing this is what is happening to our kids ..
nobody said the child that was being hit was right , but for the fact that this video was recorded it says alote , this was planned properly, would u like it if things were the opposite way and ur child was being abused like that ?
Absolutely… That is just bullying…
Alright so I see a father attempting to defend his son in these comments. Fine you have a right to.
My question is why would your son think it is appropriate to revert to violence first? Why would he have to lash the other boy several times? Why beat a person who isn’t even fighting back?
I am so sorry for the boy being beaten, You never deserved to be beaten! This whole incident could of been resolved calmly, by the educators as well as parents! Educators must of known about the rumors spreading. I hope that stern actions gets taken here. Violence should not be tolerated. If he is left to get away with this imagine If gets upset again.