In an unexpected turn of events, Wilma Lindeque’s life took a profound turn on 5 September 2022, when she received the devastating diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer. Wilma, a mother of two, was forced to confront this challenging reality.
Triple negative breast cancer, a subtype accounting for 15-20% of all breast cancer cases, primarily affects younger women or those with a BRCA1 gene mutation.
In response to the shocking news, Wilma stated, “I was shocked at first, but I never thought I wouldn’t beat it. My first motivation was my children; I have an 11 year old boy and an eight year old girl.”
With unwavering determination, Wilma embarked on her cancer fighting journey, enduring rounds of chemotherapy and ultimately choosing a double mastectomy. Reflecting on her challenging path, she shared, “The journey was tough. The toughest part was getting out of bed after chemo, as I was still a mother, trying to work, and striving to be a wife.”
Despite the formidable challenges, Wilma never doubted her ability to overcome cancer. Fast forward just over a year, and Wilma is now in remission.
While she continues to attend regular checkups, she has also taken it upon herself to reach out to other women, urging them to prioritise their health.
“Before my diagnosis, I wasn’t as aware of cancer as I am now. One out of four women is at risk of breast cancer, and raising awareness about cancer is crucial. Women need to undergo regular checkups and be aware of their family history,” emphasised Wilma.
Recognising the crucial role of awareness in the fight against cancer, Wilma, along with her dedicated colleagues from the Newcastle Lions Club, organised the “Bras and Bras Charity Golf Day” on Saturday, 9 September 2023, at the Newcastle Golf Club.
Nicolette Baney from the Newcastle Lions Club elaborated on the event’s significance, saying, “Cancer is a disease that is on the rise, and we want to support the women facing breast cancer. Most of us know someone who has been impacted by cancer.”
While the golf day served as a testament to the community’s unwavering support for those battling cancer and aimed to raise awareness about breast cancer, Nicolette emphasised the Newcastle Lions Club’s commitment to providing assistance to women who have faced breast cancer.
“Medical aids don’t always consider the aftercare following treatment for these women, and Newcastle Lions Club decided to raise funds for these women and support them,” clarified Nicolette.
The golf day also served as a fundraiser for these resilient women, with the Newcastle Lions Club extending their focus to childhood cancer, aligning with Lions International’s dedicated commitment to this cause.
As the Newcastle Lions Club extended their compassionate outreach to those grappling with cancer, the charity golf day resounded as a remarkable success. It saw the participation of 110 golfers who wholeheartedly expressed their support on the day.
East Coast Radio’s Dave Gueselli assumed the role of the day’s master of ceremonies, and guests enjoyed their time on the fairway.
On this day marked by solidarity and community spirit, we warmly invite our readers to share their thoughts on this initiative in the comments section below.
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My pride and support and love and prayers are with all those brave women and men who fight this terrible desease every day God bless your braveness courage and faith