In a devastating turn of events, a factory located on Gutenberg Street in Riverside Industrial was engulfed in a raging inferno on Saturday, 24 June 2023, resulting in the tragic loss of two lives.
The fire, which according to sources started around 2 pm, rapidly escalated, quickly spreading throughout the property.
Emergency response teams, including ER24 and KZN EMS, swiftly arrived at the scene to provide assistance to anyone who may have been injured. Regrettably, despite the best efforts of paramedics, an official source confirmed that two individuals succumbed to the fire.
“The exact cause of the fire is unclear at this point. The South African Police Service (SAPS) will initiate a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances leading to the fire and its origin,” stated the official source.
According to a source on the scene, five people were injured, and treated on the scene before being taken to the hospital.
However, neither of the deceased was allegedly in the factory when the fire broke out. A source on the scene claimed the two had rushed into the burning building to grab some of their possessions that they had taken with them to work.
“They apparently ran into the building when the fire had already got out of control and they died due to smoke inhalation,” said the source.
With police investigations now underway, Newcastillian News extends our heartfelt condolences to the grieving families of the two deceased.
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