Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Thulas Nxesi, the Minister of Employment and Labour visited the area, meeting with the Amajuba District Municipality regarding political and strategic matters affecting the municipalities under its care.
According to the District Municipality’s Communications Unit, the objective of the visit was to meet the mayor and council members with the intention of discussing the pollical and socio-economic issues affecting the district.

While looking at introducing himself and interacting with the new administration of the District Municipality and the leadership of the three local municipalities within its jurisdiction, Minister Nxesi stressed, “The President of the Republic, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, has deployed members of cabinet to each district and tasked them to deal with challenges faced at local and district level.
Therefore, I have been tasked along with other ministers to the Amajuba District Municipality as part of the DDM model which has the key objectives and programmes related to the District Development Model (DDM) that compels all spheres of government to integrate service delivery initiatives,” he explained.

During his meeting with the local leadership, the topic of unemployment and foreign nationals came up.
With the government looking at minimising employment of those hailing from other countries, it appears that the Amajuba District has noted an influx of foreign nationals being employed within the borders of Newcastle, Utrecht and Dannhauser.
“We are aware of one of the issues facing the district in terms of unemployment and that of illegal employment of foreign nationals. These are many issues that we would want to be tabled during our engagements at the DDM level. This consultation is important, we must focus amongst other things to relieve business industries, introduce measures to curb crime which negatively affects investors’ confidence,” concluded Minister Nxesi.
The District Municipality’s Mayor, Cllr Bam then provided a brief report on programmes and work that the municipality has planned, which will be shared with the Newcastle, Dannhauser and Utrecht communities in due course.
With President Ramaphosa sending cabinet members to address challenges within communities at a local and national level, what are your thoughts?
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