Soccer is a fast-paced game, where physical and mental focus are of the utmost importance. The players putting on a spectacular performance through teamwork, talent, hours of practice and a deep-seated passion for their sport.
Yet, when one thinks of a soccer, a person tends to think of young men at the peak of their physical abilities. But, there are those who defy the odds and stereotypes.
Dennis Gounden is one such man. He has, with great success kept himself a dominant force, on the field.
Dennis began playing soccer in 1970, finding immense joy on the field with his peers and opponents. So much so, that despite being 65-years-old, his love for the game is still as strong as it was 48 years ago.
In fact, he still plays and belongs to the Newcastle Legends. He has also been selected to represent Newcastle Organisation For The Aged (NOFTA) at the upcoming Golden Games. “I was selected on August 1 and will be going to Port Shepstone to participate in the Golden Games from September 11 to September 13.”
The Golden Games is an initiative which encourages people over 60 to participate in sports activities. Proud of being able to participate at the event, Dennis explains he will have the chance to be selected for the Golden Games National team.
Also read: Newcastle Legends took oSizweni Masters in the Golden League
While most people fade into the background during their golden years, what keeps Dennis on the soccer pitch? What stops him from hanging up his boots and cheering from the sidelines?
“I enjoy the fitness aspect, as well as the release it offers from stress. Soccer teaches discipline, self-control and there is also the social aspect of it.”
From all of us here at the Newcastillian, a huge congratulations to Dennis Gounden for going to the Golden Games!