Taxis are the thorns in the sides of many a motorist. Yet, hidden behind the steering wheels of these vehicles are people, who care deeply about their communities.
On Tuesday, May 29, 300 children benefited from the generosity of the Amajuba Regional Taxi Council. This comes after the Amajuba Regional Taxi Council donated school uniforms to underprivileged learners from the community.
According to Themba Thwala from the taxi council, the decision was made due to several families facing financial difficulties.
With the council made up of six taxi associations, the comes after extensive team work.
On May 29, at Richview Civic Hall, the Amajuba Taxi Council and Newcastle Municipality united to hand the uniforms over. Newcastle Mayor, Makhosini Nkosi, helped at the handover, showing his support to the charitable project.
With the winter season setting in, the beneficiaries can now don their new uniforms with pride.