The countdown for the Matric results has finally begun for the class of 2022. This follows the Department of Basic Education saying it is on track to release the results on 20 January 2023.
“When the results are released, we urge learners to collect their results at the centre where they sat for the 2022 National Senior Certificate examinations,” explained the department.
For those who did not pass, the registration for the Department of Basic Education’s Second Chance Matric Programme will close on 8 February 2023.
The programme is aimed at those who did not meet the requirements to pass the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC) examinations.
The programme is also open to those who want to improve their results.
In reply to questions regarding the programme in the National Council of Provinces in October 2022, Minister Angie Motshekga revealed that at least 400 000 learners have been assisted through the programme to achieve their subject passes towards their NSC or SC qualification.
“The programme plays an important role in retaining learners beyond the formal schooling programme. Learners who are disappointed by their failure or poor performance at the end of their schooling career, are able to continue with their studies at their own pace. They are able to register for one, two or more subjects, and write the examinations either in May/June or October/November,” said Motshekga.
According to the Minister, the face-to-face centres keep learners motivated, as they prepare for their examinations. Learners migrate within provinces, seeking job opportunities and the SCMP allows learners to continue with their studies, irrespective of the province they have relocated to.
Subjects that learners can register for include:
- Accounting
- Agricultural Science
- Business Studies
- Economics
- English First Additional Language
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Mathematic Literacy
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
“The programme offers face-to-face support, online support and a wide range of learning support materials. The programme facilitates the development of learning and teaching support materials (LTSMs) that is based on diagnostic reports, so as to ensure that the support materials focus on common areas of poor performance emanating from previous examinations. The LTSMs are government-owned, printed and distributed to learners at no cost to the learner,” stated Motshekga.
To register for the programme online go to or visit any Department of Basic Education office with an ID document and statement of results.
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