In a world where one’s spiritual life is cast aside for material objects and financial wealth, there are those who seek spiritual health and meaning.
One such person is Bramarishi Mohanji, the founder of the Mohanji Foundation. The Mohani Foundation has centres in 17 different countries, focusing on people finding purity and faith in their lives.
Bramarish Mohanji came to Newcastle on November 5, talking to members of the Mohanji Family (a branch of the foundation) and other guests at the Nofta Service Centre.
But how did Bramarishi Mohanji begin his spiritual journey?
“I got to a point in my life, where I asked myself what was I doing with my life? I was not happy with the life I was leading. Simply waking up, eating, going to work, coming home, eating and going to sleep. Just to do the same thing all over again. I knew there had to be more to life, something of meaning.”
This thought process evolved, where he realised that he would need to give more to the world and to others, instead of simply taking and trying to satisfy himself.
Bramarishi Mohanji saw a need in the world, a need which he saw he could help others through.
“People don’t trust each other anymore. You just have to go to the airport and go through the security to see this,” he explains.
He immediately began sharing teachings of compassion, love and individuality. “Be good and do good with whatever you do. You are a unique creation, no one is the same and you don’t need to compare yourself with anybody. ‘
With his positive outlook on leading a spiritual life, his discussion on November 5 focused on harmony and acceptance. “The core message is harmony and acceptance, getting out of the conflict aspect of life. You need to accept yourself for who you are, both your strengths and weaknesses.”
Encouraging people to let go of the lower forms of life, which leads to greed, hate, jealousy and conflict, his talk was truly enlightening.
Guests felt refreshed and are ready to re-evaluate their lives and be true to themselves and the Almighty.