Work is gaining momentum at Newcastle’s new state-of-the-art sports facility at the former Monte Vista Casino site. This comes as the Newcastle Municipality has announced that Phase 1A of the Monte Vista Sports Field is now officially completed, signalling an achievement for the anticipated project.

The Municipality’s Communications Unit revealed that Phase 1A was awarded to Mela Okuhle Trading Enterprise with a substantial budget of R30,500,000, which included professional fees.
The funding was allocated as follows:
- Municipal Allocation (MIG): R19,500,000
- DSAC Allocation: R11,000,000
The Municipality’s Communications Unit further elaborated that the contractor is currently maintaining the soccer field. The following items, as detailed in the scope of work, have now been fully completed:
- Construction of an outdoor gym
- Grass sodding on the soccer field
- Laying of precast portal culverts and bases
- 7-a-side pitch
- Demolition of the old fence and installation of a clear-view fence
- Guard house
- Change rooms and toilets
- Installation of grandstands
- Construction of two combo courts

With Phase 1A now successfully finished, the project has progressed to Phase 1B.
The Municipality’s Communications Unit announced that this phase was awarded to Thathisela Trading and Thatha5 Joint Venture on 1 September 2024, with an expected completion date of 23 May 2025. The allocated budget for Phase 1B construction is R27,900,000, funded through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG).
As of now, progress on Phase 1B includes:
- Establishment (100%)
- Construction of rugby field grassing (3%)
- Construction of cricket field (5%)
- Construction of hockey court (5%)
- Construction of outdoor indigenous games facilities (11%)
- Construction of outdoor gym (5%)
- Construction of walkways and ramps (0%)
- Construction of tennis court (20%)
- Completion of guard houses 1 and 2 (0%)
- Construction of change rooms and ablution facilities 1 and 2 (12%)
- Construction of skateboard park (0%)
- Supply of vending stalls (0%)
- Bulk electricity reticulation (0%)
While work progresses, MEC for Sports, Arts, and Culture, Mntomuhle Khawula, visited the site on Saturday, 30 November 2024, after receiving concerns that the project was not moving forward.
However, after his visit, MEC Khawula praised the progress, highlighting that the facility would soon boost the local economy and support the local sports community.
Echoing this sentiment, Newcastle’s Mayor, Councillor Xolani Dube, expressed the broader benefits of the sports facility, noting, “Sport is the only efficient tool we can use to fight against the scourge of violence, drug abuse, criminality and gangsterism. Our youth will soon spend more time nurturing their talents and building their future.”

As the sports facility continues to take shape, its completion will not only provide a much-needed boost to the local sports sector but also create new opportunities for the community. What are your thoughts on this project? Share your views in the comments section below!
Comments 6
All the municipality is concerned about is the sport centre, which they spending so much on, just to be vandalised again, rather take the money and repair the infrastructure( water, sewerage ect). Then the community wouldn’t have to sit without water as we did on Friday evening, and Sunday evening. The Mayor should know WATER IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT AND NOT A LUXURY UNLIKE HIS GREAT SPORT FACILITIES. GET HIS ACT IN TOP SHAPE AND ENSURE WE HAVE A CONSTANT WATER SUPPLY….HE IS A MAYOR NOT A SPORTS DIRECTOR.
WHO PAID FOR THE SPORT THING THEY SO PROUD OF IN DURBAN….DEFENTILY NOT THE PARTICIPANTS, IT CAME OUT OF OUR RATES AND TAXES.!!!!! DROP THE SPORT FUNDING AND USE OUR MONEY FOR WHAT WE PAY FOR!!!! WATER, SEWERAGE ECT!!!! Not all of us appreciate going to bed without a bath just because we don’t have water. Cause the municipality incompetent to ensure we get what is a necessity.
Wise words!! Unfortunately this current administration doesnt care for basic human rights, the current mayor is only interested in his own pockets.
The past 5 years IFP administration has done nothing for Newcastle, a once great town reduced to nothing.
There are rumours that the current mayor has used tax payers money to upgrade his own house and splurge on new cars.
A full audit should be done on newcastle municipality and the funds hard earning tax payers money has been going to
Guarantee that place won’t last 3 years then things get stolen. Another white elephant. Rather use the money to fix the streets.
As the Forum, we would like to state it clear that we have a database as well as the statistics in relation to everyone who wish or is involved in sport in this District. We therefore propose for the Sports Seminar or any type of gathering calling all sport people to have their own views on how sport should be conducted in order to ensure that as the District we produce best players and also protect these facilities. We are aware on the existence of The Sport Confederations and other sport related institutions and we call all of them to come together to discuss and propose sport programs that will ensure that these facilities are indeed making a positive impact in the lives of community.
Really? Why waist R20 million on entertainment and sport. The Municipality must rather spend that money on repairs
and maintenance on their infrastructure that is collapsing. They can’t even provide the town with basic services, water and sanitation. Newcastle smells like a sewerage plant. Who wants to visit this town. I don’t even want to live here anymore, and have been here since 1974.