Drug abuse continues to be a major concern across the town, with dealers selling their products in Newcastle’s CBD. However, the issue has taken a more alarming turn: Are these dealers now targeting schoolchildren? This worry has intensified following the recent arrest of a drug dealer on Aquamarine Drive.
Discussing the incident, Imran Ghafoor from the Newcastle Crime Fighter Task Team explained that intelligence led law enforcement to an individual operating on Aquamarine Drive, around 200 metres away from a local high school.
Consequently, an operation was executed on Monday, 6 May 2024, involving the Amajuba Drug Unit, Newcastle Stabilisation Unit, and Newcastle Crime Fighter Task Team to bring the suspect to book.
The man was subsequently found with an undisclosed amount of mandrax tablets and taken into custody. Looking at the suspect’s choice of location for selling his illicit substances, Ghafoor said, “It is possible that he was dealing with youngsters, because school children are in that area.”
Newcastle SAPS spokesperson Lizzy Arumugam confirmed the arrest, noting that a case had been opened against the drug dealer.
Meanwhile, another individual, of Nigerian nationality, was also apprehended on Monday for selling illicit substances in town. Ghafoor explained that after information was received about the individual, a trap was set with the dealer being monitored.
However, the dealer noticed the law enforcement team monitoring him and attempted to evade arrest by fleeing the scene.
As a result, Ghafoor pointed out that after a long chase, the man was apprehended in the Mosque parking area in the Newcastle CBD. He was found with crystal meth and heroin.
Following the two arrests, Ghafoor highlighted that Newcastle was currently experiencing a major issue when it came to drug abuse, particularly in town. “Users sit in public and inject themselves openly, that is a sad part of it,” he said.
Additionally, he pointed out that there have been businesses that have complained about the sordid state of affairs, as drug usage has allegedly started impacting their businesses. According to Ghafoor, businesses are facing the problem of people avoiding parts of the CBD due to drug usage.
As law enforcement ramps up efforts to combat drug dealing in Newcastle, the community is urged to share their thoughts on this matter in the comments section below.
Comments 8
Newcastle was once a awesome town to live in but the problem now is corruption within our law enforcement department. I speak from experience and was a police officer on NN and in 2013 and 2018 I arrested suspects dealing in drug infact syndicates of foreign decent however the courts let them off on fines. Our police officers ignor this on a daily basis and are recruited by dealers to collect information about police operations and who is being targeted by the police. The lennoxton and Fernwood areas are devastated by the dealers and these dealers are known by the police but nothing seems to happen about them and they get rich and bring decay to this beautiful town. I personally have a number of informers and contacts that contact me reporting this behavior however I have since resigned from the police due to the huge corruption pandemic in the SAPS. Things need to change in Newcastle or it will end up like Durban and jhb. Foreigners find Newcastle an easy place to deal as nothing will happen to them. Very sad to see my home town decay due to ignorance by law enforcement.
Saps run the underground world of drugs in newcastle and have a blind eye for those who pay bribes/favors.
Why is Newcastle so full of thick, awful people? No matter where you go in South Africa, when you get back to this dorp, you know you have arrived back in “Domville”. Of course there are drugs being sold your friends and family are buying them. Of course there is prostitution your husbands and sons are supporting them. Of course there is crime because all yall do is pray for a miracle to save you and complain when nothing happens. Yall get together and pretend to be friends and then talk rubbish about each other and then work to destroy each other and the funny part is, you are all religious. Newcastle residents need to rent a brain or something. If you move to my city, Durban, you will never fit in. If you move to JHB you will never fit in. I read this news site as my aunty lives in the area and the comments from many of you is embarrassing, yall sound like children. But we all laugh at the dom things you okes say in my office, so thanks for that. As my colleague says “Hate was born in Newcastle and thats why the devil has a holiday home there.” No one is truthful and trustworthy in that town and the racialism from ALL races is like something from a movie. Its so bad you can’t even do business there. I just want my aunty to leave that dump. Now go complain about this comment you know you want to
I am from Newcastle. And despite the decay. I am proud of where I live. Yes I remember the beauty that was Newcastle that is now sadly in a state of decay. But how does it affect you?
Clearly you’ve never been a resident of Newcastle.
Durban doesn’t have prostitution? Or drug use? Or what about Joburg? Does not exist right? Wrong
You nothing but a troll trying to tell people just how bad Newcastle is. While in reality the issue is you. And those like minded individuals.
If you expect me to apologise for the drug use. You are mistaken. I don’t touch that stuff. If you expect me to apologise for the prostitution. Again mistaken. I’m not for sale. I do not approve either practices. But would that stop those doing it? Sadly no. So why are you attacking people in Newcastle? But then again. Do you improve anyone’s life. Clearly not. You condemn all living here. Because you’re just that “smart” and all that while you call Newcastle Domville. Do you get headaches when you think? In your situation. Silence should be golden as empty vessels make the loudest noise. And you proved it true. My family and friends have enough common sense to stay away from both situations. And I can assure you so many other families and friends know to stay away from it too. So show respect. As you come of as vindictive and malicious. And to think your aunt stays in what you call Domville. Did not think that one through ne. Shame.
HJ my bru, you sound like a lekker oke but you not understanding my comment confirms what I said. I did live in Newcastle with my aunty and the awful treatment of people always shocked me. Friends messing with friends, family attacking family. Only once you leave that place do you see how yall are just terrible to one another. You attacking my character also confirms what I said. I was speaking about the town and people and you pull a true Newcastle move and come at me as a person.
Imran Gaffoor here is an open challenge to you. You portray yourself as a crime fighter . Bring in your illegal Pakistani migrants friends, get the pakis involved in drugs buying stolen goods paedophiles kidnapping human trafficking then call yourself a crime fighter. You act as if you are the minister of police yet you shield your criminal Pakis friends because they are Pakis. Until you can do this I will regard you as just a fake , a criminal hiding as a crime fighter to enrich the Pakistani mafia operating in Newcastle
A financial audit should be conducted on the police department in charge of narcotics………
This is the reason that South Africa will not get better we don’t stand together to fight a problem but fight against each other.Sunjay your comment is irrelevant to the article but there you are ready to attack put all this energy in helping people that got a problem with substance and you will have a positive outcome.Then again you might need to see a therapist and talk about your issues in Newcastle we have some very good ones.And here in “Domville” atleast 50percent of the population is from Durban so that should say alot.Keep well and stay safe and check here whatever substance you are on just quit because it’s making you more mentally unstable then you already are.Say No to Drugs.