An incident unfolded at a clothing factory on Gutenberg Street, Riverside Industrial, where a 59-year-old woman endured a brutal assault during an attempted business robbery.
The attempted robbery occurred on Monday, 20 February 2024, at 7:15 am while employees were arriving for work at the factory.
During this time, three unidentified men entered the premises on foot, before brandishing firearms they had concealed in plastic bags.
“They then demanded cash from the Chinese woman at the factory. From there, the suspects demanded access to a locked room, however, the woman managed to activate her panic button in the process,” explained the police source.
During the confrontation, the police source explained that one of the suspects viciously assaulted the 59-year-old victim, repeatedly striking her in the face and head with the butt of his firearm.
Upon realising that the panic button had been activated and law enforcement was on their way, the assailants fled the scene empty-handed.
“During the investigation, unconfirmed information indicated that a white VW Golf with a fourth suspect was possibly waiting down the street for the men,” said the police source, who indicated that the registration number for the vehicle is unknown at this stage.
As authorities delve into the details of the incident, what are your thoughts on this? Share your views in the comment section below.
There are too many illegal foreigners at the industrial area, the authorities need to come and deport them. They are the ones bring in crime and drugs, something needs to be done by the municipality