Illegal dumping indicative of a larger issue in Newcastle

With various complaints regarding illegal dumping and litter across the town being brought to Newcastillian News’ attention, a Newcastle business owner has come forward regarding a heap of waste and debris, often set alight, in Riverside Industrial.

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Opting to remain anonymous, the business owner revealed that the problem has persisted for a year, reaching a critical juncture, costing his business money and impacting his operations.

“Davy Road was initially covered with potholes and the Newcastle Municipality then came to repair it. About six months after that, people started dumping here, and it has grown worse and worse,” said the business owner.

Suspected culprits include local businesses and private individuals who have not only been discarding various refuse items but also igniting the debris. “Most afternoons and evenings, you can see the rubbish burning and I have called the firefighters out several times to extinguish the fires before it spreads to the businesses in the area,” he explained.

Compounding the issue, the business owner mentioned that several of his company vehicles have suffered punctured tyres due to the dumped waste.

“There’s only so many times one can repair a vehicle’s tyres before replacement becomes imperative. Illegal dumping is a grave concern, and I’ve reached out to the Newcastle Municipality on multiple occasions to address it,” he emphasised.

In response, Newcastle Municipality’s Councillor Faizel Cassim assured that he would inspect the matter to determine measures for resolving the escalating rubble pile. Additionally, the Newcastle Municipality’s Communications Unit also confirmed a team would attend to the problem.

With various entities and organisations sponsoring their time, resources and money to restore the town to its former glory, and residents constantly hammering the state of Newcastle, it is disheartening to know that businesses and residents continue to add to the problem across the town. This type of behaviour, as one can imagine, is difficult for the Newcastle Municipality to manage as they would need to install cameras and hire a company or staff to manage the problematic areas, all because a group of people have no respect for their town.

It is a collective effort that results in a successful environment and it is not just the responsibility of municipal or policing officials. It is pride and a want for a better town from all residents, where basic rules are followed, that results in a cleaner and pristine place we can all be proud of.

A drive around the town’s suburbs, where litter and long grass blend into a muddied image of how people treat their own environment, let alone the town, falls on residents’ shoulders. A walk in a park, where beer bottles and discarded packets cover the ground, or driving down a road where uncut grass and rubbish fill the yards of many, showcases the current mentality towards Newcastle.

Yes, the municipality needs to step up and sort out various issues, but this does not exempt you and me from taking responsibility for our homes, our streets and by extension our town.

It appears that residents are now sitting back and just pointing fingers when in reality, the responsibility jointly falls on us. If an illegal dumpsite is cleared yet residents continue to toss their waste there, who is to blame? If rubbish is simply thrown on the street after a municipal team has cleaned the street, who is to blame?

There is so much effort from organisations trying to fix the town, as previously reported, yet without a shift in community consciousness towards the town, this appears to be in vain.

Therefore, if you know of anyone contributing to the problem, you are encouraged to report them. Residents can report such activities to the Municipality’s law enforcement unit at 034 328 4700.

What are your thoughts on the above-mentioned? Share your views in the comment section below.

Comments 5

  1. Zama Nthuli says:

    What does the municipality do with the tax money that we pay into their account?

  2. Mike Matthews says:

    There are also residents in Firmstone road and Moller road that dump in thd green belt along Moller. When spoken to their reply is you cannot stop me.

    • Daan Wessels says:

      Has a docket been opened at the SAPS? If so, is it being followed up?

  3. Dr Dudu Hadebe says:

    Dumping is not only an issue here, the roads in the townships are shocking. Im still shocked that in 2024, we still have gravel unkempt roads in the townships. The grass is growing into the roads and potholes ! Osizweni is the only township so far that I’ve been to with gravel roads. What is the municipality doing kahle kahle la?

  4. ... says:

    Install more blue bins around town and in each area to give residence a place to throw away dirt other than the dump site.

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