A Newcastle Municipal official is currently under police investigation for the alleged sexual assault of a female employee.

According to an official police source, the incident unfolded on Wednesday, 12 July 2023, at approximately 1 pm.
“The victim claimed that her supervisor took her with him in his car to buy liquor. After buying the alcohol, the two apparently started drinking,” said the police source.
The situation took a dark turn when, allegedly, the two parked the vehicle at a property situated in Pioneer Park. The police source explained that the 31 year old victim stated that after they had drunk from the liquor, her supervisor had tried to kiss her, but she had declined his advances.
“He gave her a bottle of gin to drink from, telling her it would calm her down. Allegedly, drinking from the gin was the last memory she had,” said the police source.
The woman later woke up, still in the vehicle, but her underwear had been removed. As the Newcastle SAPS are now investigating the matter, Newcastillian News approached the Municipality’s Communications Unit to acquire comment.
In a telephonic discussion, the Communications Unit’s Musa Ngcobo highlighted that no comment could be provided at present. This is a developing story, and Newcastillian News will keep its readers posted.
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