Taking place in Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday afternoon, 28 February 2023—an Alfred Duma (Ladysmith) Municipality councillor’s brother was hijacked and killed.
Alf Lees, the uThukela Constituency Head for the Democratic Alliance (DA), said the political party was saddened by the tragic incident, with the victim being the brother of DA Alfred Duma (Ladysmith) Councillor Anand Rajkoomar.
“Mr Suresh Rajkoomar was apparently hijacked in Ladysmith and then taken into the veld near Ezakheni where he was shot and killed,” said Lees. He added that the DA would support the Rajkoomar family as best as it could at this difficult time.
“We ask for the Rajkoomar family to be held up in prayer as they deal with this tragedy in their lives,” stated Lees.
With the police now investigating the murder, Lees added that the DA trusted that the police would put their full strength into finding the murderers of not only Suresh Rajkoomar, but of the many other shooting murders in uThukela, especially the Estcourt area.
Newcastillian News extends its condolences to the family of the deceased.
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