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Adding to Newcastle’s growing crime rate, two motorists were held up at gunpoint, on the same day, at the Albert Wessels Drive and N11 intersection.
Explaining the two separate cases, Newcastle Police Spokesperson, Lizzy Arumugam states the first robbery took place at 6.30 am on 1 June 2022. The motorist was driving, with his vehicle’s passenger window open, when he stopped at the traffic lights.
While waiting for the light to turn green, Arumugam said two men approached the vehicle, with one of the men pulling out a firearm.
Pointing the gun through the window at the stunned motorist, the two men managed to take his cellphone, laptop and laptop bag before fleeing.
Following this, another motorist was robbed at exactly the same spot. “The complainant stopped at the robot when two unknown African males came to his vehicle. One pointed a firearm at him through the open window and took a laptop bag containing a laptop, cell phone, and ID document.”
For the time being, the suspects are still at large. If you have any information about the two, call the Newcastle SAPS on 034 314 6156.
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Is anywhere safe anymore