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On Friday afternoon, 11 February 2022, the Osizweni Community Hall hosted the Amajuba District Mayoral Grade 12 Awards.
The annual event focuses on the previous year’s matric results, honouring the Grade 12 Classes who achieved success in their final year of school. Jointly the awards are designed to acknowledge and pay tribute to the significant role educators, parents, and learners played in the district’s academic success story.
Coming from far and wide, with the event set to start at 3 pm, the award beneficiaries and parents began gathering at the Osizweni Community. (The beneficiaries were selected through the Department of Education, with the awards divided into various categories.)
The categories included the school with the most Bachelor’s Degrees, the Top 10 Candidates, the most improved school, and the top schools per Quintile.
With guests eagerly waiting to get the ceremony started, all were forced to wait over an hour before the District Mayor finally arrived and began the proceedings.
Cllr Bam expressed that her heart was filled with pride. “Today we come here to congratulate our 2021 Grade 12 best achievers. We say to them, well done! We are proud of you, the Municipality, the District and Province is proud of you, your parents are proud of you, and most importantly you should be proud of yourselves.”

Moreover, she pointed out that their achievements have brought them opportunities, giving them numerous choices to take and use.
“As you make and take those choices, understand that success in life will not be determined by what is given to you, or what happens to you; your success will largely be determined by what you do with all that is given to you; what you do with all that happens to you; how hard you try; how far you push yourself; how high you are willing to reach.”
Moreover, she stated that the conclusion of Grade 12 signifies a milestone in the academic journey, representing the point at which critical decisions are made.
This relates to future career pathways, including entering the working world or studying further at various Higher Education Institutions.
“The reason we encourage pride at a moment like this is in recognition of the fact that a moment achievement emerges out of a longer time of difficulty and sacrifice, which today represents a moment of clarity out of circumstances which can best be described as complex,” the District Mayor enthused.
She further said that the Class of 2021 worked under extreme and abnormal challenges due to the pandemic.
Furthermore, as numerous community members are exposed to financial difficulties, children often find it difficult to further their education.
“It is for that reason that the Amajuba Council, guided by the leadership of the IFP and our coalition partners, have decided to introduce our programme to assist those in need to register at tertiary institutions and to assist those who have already been accepted but having various financial challenges. There is a criterion in place on how we select the candidates, but one can mention the issue of the financial state of the family of the applicant, academic record of the applicant and the field of study. We have received a high volume of applications, but I am glad to announce that we have identified more than 100 children whom we will assist.”
These are the Amajuba District Municipality School who received awards:
Schools with the most Bachelor Passes:
- St Lewis Betrand’s Secondary School – 208
- Phendukani High – 190
- Dedangifunde High – 184
- Ferrum High – 139
- Siyamuleka High – 137
- Ziphakamiseni High – 135
- Zama Secondary – 134
- Cacamezela Secondary – 133
- Newcastle High – 109
- Umzilikazi Secondary – 102
Top Performing Schools per Quintiles
- Kwamagidela achieved 90%
- Hope High achieved 97.60%
- Danhauser Secondary achieved – 97.80%
- Ngcaka achieved 100%
- Siphuthando secured 100%
- Islamic Independent secured 100%
Amajuba District Wishes all the learners a successful academic journey as they move forward.
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