Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Emergency personnel are finding themselves inundated with collisions, especially along the N11.
According to Charles Steyn of WATCO Emergency Services, along the Majuba Pass, a bakkie flipped shortly after the torrential rains.
Apparently, the bakkie overturned while the driver was turning. Nevertheless, the vehicle landed back on its wheels off the road. “Four patients with minor injuries were assisted on scene, but only two of the injured were transported to hospital for additional treatment,” Steyn explained.
Ziyaad Warasally of ER24 explains that at 6.35 pm, ER24 received a call concerning the infamous N11. He explains that a motorist was driving from Ladysmith to Newcastle when she lost control of her SUV on one of the road’s bends.
As a result, she collided with a bakkie and a truck.
As can be expected, the truck driver was unharmed while the two occupants of the bakkie endured minor injuries. The driver of the SUV did sadly sustain critical injuries.
Sources on the scene speculate that poor weather conditions and wet roads might have played a role in the incident. However, these were not the only collisions the paramedics attended to.
ER24 responded to 20 accidents over the past week, according to Warasally. These are primarily in the Ladysmith area. “There were also a few collisions on Van Reenen’s Pass.”
While the causes of the collisions are still being investigated, Warasally claims that poor visibility, speeding, overtaking and failing to maintain a safe distance from other cars could be possible reasons for the collisions.
Looking at a “can only happen in South Africa” incident. On Sunday night, WATCO Emergency Services received a call regarding an accident on the R23 near Volksrust.
According to Steyn, five people were driving from Johannesburg to Volksrust in their Toyota Fortuner when they smashed a cow on the road.
None of the bakkie’s occupants were injured. But according to Steyn, the cow, on the other hand, was not so fortunate and died due to its injuries. Where the story gets interesting, multiple people stopped at the scene and cut up the cow’s carcass before leaving with the meat.
Following the collisions on Sunday, emergency personnel advise motorists to exercise caution when travelling long distances. Especially after dark and when it has rained.
What are your thoughts on the above? Did you witness any senseless driving this festive season?
Share your views in the comment section below.